Guided Meditations with Adyashanti

Many people think that it is the function of a spiritual teaching to provide answers to life’s biggest questions, but actually the opposite is true. The primary task of any good spiritual teaching is not to answer your questions, but to question your answers. For it is your conscious and unconscious assumptions and beliefs that distort your perception and cause you to see separation and division where there is actually only unity and completeness.” ~ Adyashanti

zen meditation

Zen Meditation

Having established in motionless position of legs, arms, body and head in a traditional lotus posture, with breathing controlled, incessantly calming of thoughts and integration of consciousness using special methods of concentration, with the development of control over emotions and strengthening the will, with cultivation of deep silence in the farthest corners of consciousness – in other words, Zazen practice creates optimal conditions for looking into the heart consciousness and discovering in it the true nature of existence.


Being Present

We therefore believe that life is a set of events that occur with our body and mind. And this is the main source of human suffering, because we can not control the outside world and become completely dependent on it. But it’s like watching a movie: I disappear in the experiences and events of the characters, but when the film ends I realize that it was all unreal, and was happening inside my Self, which was aware and perceived by these pictures. It is within our Self, in the field of awareness, that there is a real life, and not in a world of objects that change and move, capturing our attention and creating the illusion of life.